• تاریخ انتشار : 1402/07/08 - 13:58
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 56
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

The role of healthcare professionals to improve organ donation and transplantation rating: A national survey

The consent rate and donor management in the cases of brain death is unacceptable. The coordinators need the training to increase their efficiency in terms of family approach and maintenance of brain death. Only by improving the level of family consent and increasing the coordinators' maintenance skills for brain death cases, the amount of organ donation in Iran can be doubled to the current amount.

The role of healthcare professionals to improve organ donation and transplantation rating: A national survey

Shadnoush Mahdi, Najafizadeh Katayoun, Ghobadi Omid, Latifi Marzieh, Shadnoush Alireza, Pourhosein Elahe, Jafarian Arefeh, Dehghani Sanaz


Background: Improve the quality of donor coordination activities caused by an increased organ donation rate. This article evaluates the coordinator characteristics of organ donation rate in Iran by analyzing the procurement and transplantation of organ by reviewing the database in Ministry of Health.

Material and Method: Based on a questionnaire, this retrospective study evaluated the number of confirmed brain deaths, family consents rate, organ recoveries, rate of expired brain death cases before and after family consent, donor management rate in Iran.

Result: The overall family consent and donor management rate was 60.63%, and 58.9%, respectively.

The results showed that work experience had a significant effect on the number of organ harvesting [P<0.004], death rate after family consent [P<0.045] and the rate of management [P<0.001], eligible death before [P< 0.03] and after [P< 0.04] family consent.

Education level had a significant difference with the number of organ harvests [P<0.001] and Consent rate [P<0.025].

Conclusion: The consent rate and donor management in the cases of brain death is unacceptable. The coordinators need the training to increase their efficiency in terms of family approach and maintenance of brain death. Only by improving the level of family consent and increasing the coordinators' maintenance skills for brain death cases, the amount of organ donation in Iran can be doubled to the current amount.

Keywords: Organ donation coordinator, Deceased organ donor, Consent Rate, Donor management


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  • گروه خبری : مقالات
  • کد خبر : 247257
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